Our theatre welcomes all performers of all ages and experience levels. The audition process can be a great experience to get to know others with similar passions to yours and to get some good experience… and maybe be cast in your first show!
Our audition process is often very fun and informal. Our rehearsals are usually Mon-Thurs evenings, and our performances are Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
42130 HWY 41
Audition Info
All shows are subject to change pending receipt of rights from the publishing houses, and show dates are tentative pending contract completion.
- Open auditions for all roles begin promptly at 10 a.m. and may run as late as 2 p.m.
- Doors open at 9:30 p.m. Plan to arrive early to fill out an audition form. Please write clearly, especially your contact information. Headshots and resumes are not required. If you are under 18, your parent or guardian needs to be present.
- Please bring your personal calendar and provide a complete list of your conflicts through the run of the show.
- Please prepare 60 seconds of any song that best showcases your vocal range and fits the style of character you are interested in auditioning for. You may choose a song from the musical you are auditioning for if you like. Limit your selection to 1 minute, or about 32 bars.
- Using a smartphone recording of your accompaniment is OK.
- No A Cappella singing.
- Please dress comfortably and be ready to move and dance if required.

Li'l Abner, A Mountain Musical Melodrama
Director: Lyric Gianni
Audition Date: March 29, 10am
In this melodrama musical adaptation of the classic comic strip “Lil’ Abner”, the podunk town of Dogpatch learns that they have been declared the most useless town in America, and unless they can prove their worth, their town will be used as an atomic bomb test site! Follow along as this rag-tag group of dramatic characters and high-energy dancers prepare for the long awaited Sadie Hawkins race, in the midst of trying to try a solution to save their town from complete and total destruction!
There are many different roles and CATEGORIES to choose from when auditioning for this show. A singer might not necessarily be in all of the dance numbers, a speaking role may not be in as many songs — so don’t be intimidated if you are expecting to have to do everything (unless you are cast in multiple roles). Feel free to write your participation preferences down on your audition paperwork.
VOCAL AUDITION: This is required for singing roles. Please prepare 30-60 seconds of a song from the show, or in the style of this show (classic broadway ex: Music Man, Oklahoma). This show/style requires a seasoned singer who can imitate the styles of the time, so a pop song will not demonstrate your skills as well.
SPEAKING AUDITION: Certain characters use an exaggerated southern accentor improper English, however, because this show is very wordy, diction (understandability) is important above all else! These characters are high-energy and quite cartoonish. Play on the extreme stereotypes, and don’t be afraid to be silly!
DANCING AUDITION: All ages will be considered. This show is full of high-energy partner work, timing and athletic ability is very important — though not every number is as equally demanding.
LI’L ABNER AUDITION SLIDES: Download this PDF to prepare for auditions; Lil-Abner-Audition-Slides.pdf
** indicates that this role will be doubled, as in the actor will play another role as well.
Marryin’ Sam — Male, Lead, Tenor: One of there more understated characters, sam is a sweet, matter of fact man who arranges all the weddings in Dogpatch, and just about anything else you’d need! Out of everyone in Dogpatch, Sam is the most aware of how naive the townsfolk are, but he loves them all the same. Important to have great diction and vocal stamina.
Daisy Mae — Female, Lead, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto: Our Heroine. A bright eyed young woman with a heart of gold full of nothing but longing for our hero, Lil’ Abner.
Li’l Abner Yokum — Male, Lead, Tenor: Handsome, tall, simple, lazy, yet somehow charismatic, who always does what he believes is right, even if it takes a long time for him to decide what that is.
Mammy Yokum — Female, Supporting, Alto: This tough grandma caricature is an important comic relief, open to all ages — as this can be an extremely physically demanding role.
Pappy Yokum — Male, Supporting, Baritone: Abner’s most soft spoken (but just as spry) elderly father, who suffers abuse from his wife on the regular.
Earthquake McGoon — Male, Supporting, Baritone: McGoon is a versatile villain who pines for Daisy Mae, despite her disinterest. Not completely evil, but by looks alone? An intimidating presence.
Available Jones — Male, Featured, Spoken: The town inventor with big ideas, a bit of a nerd stereotype. **
Mayor Dan’l Dawgmeat — Male, Featured, Spoken: Mayor of Dogpatch, USA! This character’s personality is more open to interpretation, have fun with it!
Moonbeam McSwine — Female, Featured Mezzo-Soprano, Alto: A sweet and stunning lady who’s only difficulty snagging a man originates from the smell her pigs leave behind! She heads up the wives league (ensemble women).
5 (or so) Wives: These are very important ensemble equivalent roles with names and lines yet to be assigned.
5 (or so) Husbands: These are very important ensemble equivalent roles with names and lines yet to be assigned.
Romeo Scragg — Male, Featured, Tenor, Baritone: Disgustingly unkempt, clever but conniving relative of Daisy Mae who tends to hang around McGoon. **
Hairless Joe — Supporting Character: Classic character from the comics, completely covered in hair. A-la Muppet. Best friends with Lonesome Polecat. **
Lonesome Polecat — Supporting Character: Classic character from the comics, Native American tribesman who is best friends with Hairless Joe. **
Dance Troupe: 8 or so qualified dancers of either gender and any age to fill out the cast.
General Bullmoose — Male, Supporting, Baritone: The big evil! Greedy, loud, and business-minded! He’ll do anything to get the rights for the Yokum Berry Tonic from ‘Lil Abner!
Appassionata Von Climax — Female, Supporting, Spoken: General Bullmoose’s “executive secretary”. Beautiful and calculated.
Dr. Rasmussen Finsdale — Male, Supporting Tenor, Baritone, Bass: This singular doctor says ALL doctor lines, in order to condense the cast.
Senator Jack S. Phogbound — Male, Supporting, Solo/Speaking: Smarmy government official who seems to take advantage of the simple nature of the citizens of Dogpatch. **
Government Man — Male, Minor Featured, Spoken (on the smaller side): A perfectly normal, well-adjusted man with plenty of sympathy for the townsfolk’s plea. **
Stupefyin’ Jones — Female, Featured, Silent: Sole purpose is to stand there and be stunningly beautiful. **
Evil Eye Fleagle — Male, Featured, Spoken: If an evil pinstripe suit gangster ate a can of jumping beans. You will be expected to leave your pride buried in the backyard and enact physical comedy that may leave you exhausted. Whoever plays this role will also be McRabbit in Act One.
Quartet — Secretaries/Abner’s Boys (4) Male, Ensemble, Tenor, Baritone, Bass
Scraggs Family — Daisy Mae’s extended (undesirable) family tree: Included in a single scene at the very end.
Government Man Body Double (Buff Guy) Silent Roll: Act One.
Buff Men (as many as we can get) Minor Choreo, Silent Roll: lots of flexing. Act Two.
Luela/Scragg Kid — Town Kid, Spoken
Za-Za/Scragg Kid — Town Kid, Spoken
Radio Commentators (3) — Either Gender, Ensemble, Spoken, Recorded
More audition information will also be posted on our GCT AUDITIONS! Facebook page.